Getting Results January 2012


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  1. Hello from Narelle – and a learning for Narelle
  2. Getting Results – some different perspectives about goal-setting
  3. Workshop
  4. Master’s Wisdom
  5. Interesting News Bites: Good news for Stroke patients; The Fat Trap

Dear Reader

January and already time seems to be flying by! I had a wonderful Christmas out at Esk at my daughter’s place with her and her husband and two beautiful boys. Then I came back into Brisbane and on this long weekend for New Year, caught up with my dearest friend Jennifer (of 29 years!) and some of her friends who are now my friends.

One of these new friends is a fabulous artist, Selina Shapland, who gave me two amazing pieces of artwork so expect to see them when you next visit the office. By then I will have some photos up on Facebook and here as well. 

Narelle has a major Learning reinforced…

What was interesting about these beautiful presents, was that I needed to remind myself that I didn’t have to do anything except be myself, in being given this artwork…

You see, I’ve only met Selina once before, she is not my client, and we have had maybe two Facebook messages, so there is no pre-existing history between us (well, not this lifetime anyway) and it was a wonderful learning lesson for me that I am deserving of receiving a gift without any strings attached, and for no other reason than being me.  This is a lesson that I constantly remind my clients of, to appreciate that they can be themself and be lovable and special, just as they are!

Selina, many thanks for your gift of actual artwork, and this powerful reminder to me for my own learning.

Christmas Communication – Oh What Fun…

Last month, I wrote about managing Christmas communication and I am wondering how did that go?  Were you able to make that choice and let everything flow? I hope so.

Getting Results or Not, for Goals

I’m sure that you, like me, have set goals over your lifetime.  Goals that involve study, or business, or family or relationships.  Sometimes we achieve those goals and sometimes we don’t.  What causes goals to be achieved and what causes goals to be ‘blocked’ from achievement has been the cause of interesting reading, study, conjecture and discussion for myself and friends and teachers, for a very long time.

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  • Why does one person achieve a goal very easily, while someone else seems to find it hard?
  • Some people seem to have no trouble finding a new relationship partner while others can’t find one!
  • Some people have it easy when it comes to finances and seem to have the Midas touch, while others struggle.
  • Some people find it easy to be creative and channel their talent with art, or pottery, or jewellery or clothing or woodwork, while others can’t begin to imagine a single thing.

So, back to thinking about December 2012… If it was now December 31, 2012 what would you like to reflect on and know that you have achieved?

Future Success

If you project out to the end of this year what would your goals that you have achieved, look like, sound like and feel like? (In NLP, there is a big focus on the senses called sensory modalities and engaging the senses for goal-setting. Focussing on the senses makes it more real for your subconscious and helps to bring about what you want to achieve, for many people.) 

Look Like?

What would you look like if you have achieved your goals? Is there a change to your clothes, your style, your personality, your confidence? 

Sound Like?

Are there changes to your thought patterns, and how you sound to yourself and to others? Would communicating with others be easier?

Feel Like?

How would you feel because you have achieved your goals? Would you be excited, passionate, energetic, happy?

Would your “looks like, sounds like, feels like” be different to the norm? What would the achievement of your goals allow you to do, that is different to your life now?  Go on, dream a little…

I use the Future Success Technique with my clients so that they engage the senses and gain an experience of having achieved their goals, and this works well to eliminate anxiety about upcoming events too. Just as Timeline Techniques can release emotions, so too, you can install goals and emotional states into the future.

Limiting Beliefs That Create Blocks

Of course, setting goals means that you have an idea of what you want to achieve and involves examining your beliefs. What you believe about your goal, it’s worth and value, and what that means to you, is said to effect the results or achievement of that goal.


Consider that belief, does it block your Goals?

For example, do you believe you deserve to achieve your goals?

Have you set any limits on achieving those goals?

Is there cognitive dissonance, i.e. a difference between how much you want the goals versus how much you have to give up to achieve the goals and whether that’s worth your time, effort and energy?

Do you believe you are supported?  The support you feel from your partner, family or friends versus lack of support or even downright disapproval of your goals.

Alignment with your goals

If you have inner conflict between your goals and your beliefs, then it is important to clear that conflict or you will be out of alignment with your goals.  If your goal is too small for what you are capable of then you are out of alignment with your goal, or if it is too gigantic and you don’t believe you can do it, that will also put you out of alignment.

Not sure what you even want to achieve? That also makes it tough to actually set a goal. Having a goal to be happy for instance, still requires that you know what the goal looks like, sounds like and will feel like.

Getting the results

To achieve goals requires a vision, or an outline of the goal.  Your focus needs to be clear, sharp and consistently on your goal.

You and your goal are in alignment and your goal is worthy of you and vice versa.

You are passionate about achieving your goal (and not desperate).

You take the necessary action steps required to physically and mentally achieve your goal.  For example if you set a goal to be fit and healthy at the end of the year, then sitting on your butt on the coach won’t do it.  Some visualisation is required along with eating well, exercising, and keeping a relaxed yet passionate desire aflame inside you.

 You have an attitude of expectation of the result (taps into your beliefs) and have gratitude for the result.

And then, keep going, keep encouraging yourself, keep reassuring yourself and keep monitoring yourself to make sure that your goal remains in alignment with your vision, passion and desired outcomes.

Need help with any of that, then give me a call on 07 3040 2322 or the mobile on 0412 251 196. 

 Master’s Wisdom

Alt text for the image of Master, Narelle's cat
“When everything seems too hard, sleep on it. When you wake up, have a good stretch, a big drink of water and go for a walk. Talk to someone who has some knowledge in the area of your distress, while you walk. Then, look around you and appreciate the wonderful freedom of your own mind, and be grateful that you are you.
   Look for cats and admire their independence, flexibility and intelligence and feel better!”  



Interesting News Bites

Good News for Stroke patients

Paired Neurostimulation Therapy is being used to treat victims of stroke that have lost motor control. The delivery of Vagus Nerve Stimulation while a stroke patient is undergoing rehabilitative exercise both increases the speed of recovery and the extent of recovery for the patient.

Click here to read the article: Good News for Stroke patients

The Fat Trap

Ever been on a diet and lost weight, but found that you were pre-occupied with food and diet for a long time afterwards, and that over the years, you gradually regained those lost kilos?

You are certainly not alone and researchers at the University of Melbourne conducted a small and unfortunately inconclusive study that measured levels of hormones and other chemicals, both pre and post-diet.  This study did reveal that the body fights the weight loss for a long time after you stop dieting, which is why you gradually put those kilograms back on. But it doesn’t explain why the body does that.

Click here to read the article: The Fat Trap

And that’s it for this month!

Have a terrific month and talk soon.

