Burn Those Fats

Want to maximise your fat burning efforts and enhance your weight loss goals?  Include these 10 easy factors into your regular schedule for the best results.

1)  Aerobic and anaerobic exercise 

Aerobic exercise is exercise that uses oxygen to burn fat.  Think of running, or Zumba, rowing or rock-climbing where you need lots of oxygen to sustain you and when oxygen is used, muscles then use glucose to make adenosine triphosphate, or ATP the basic energy transporter for all your body’s cells.

Conversely, anaerobic exercise does not use oxygen, instead the muscles use glycogen as their fuel source.

You need to have both aerobic and anaeorobic exercise such as weight lifting to achieve maximum fat burning.

2) Stretch! Warm-up and Cool Down

Injuries are more likely to occur when your body is stiff and cold, so be sure to do at least 10 minutes of stretching and deep breathing to both warm up your body before you start your exercise program and when you have finished.  This allows the muscles to come back to a recovery and resting state.  If you have an injury then you won’t be burning fat because you will need time out to recover.

3) Nutrition with a healthy eating plan tailored to your weight loss goals

Without a healthy eating plan, preferably structured by a dietician, and a means of tracking, measuring and monitoring your daily food, drink and snack intake, you cannot possibly determine meaningful goals for your weight loss.

As well, there is an abundance of research that shows that skipping meals decreases metaboloic activity.  What does that mean?  It means your body gets sluggish and finds it harder to burn those fats. 

It makes for common sense too, that if you eat a huge meal at night, then you are not hungry the next morning, so then lunch gets pushed back, and so does dinner.  You are much more likely to over-consume food when you are hungry because you are likely to eat quickly and the brain won’t send signals that you are full until you have been chewing your food for about 20 minutes.  Meanwhile you gobble food down because of that hunger and eat far more than is necessary.

4) Plan Your Workouts as failure to plan is a plan to fail

Unless you are a personal trainer, or exercise physiologist, it is essential to create a plan for your workouts, to maximise your results.  If you overwork your body, then you won’t be burning fat because the body will be working hard to repair fibre tears and clean out lactic acid build-up. 

It’s important that you exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week, and that you do this for around 30 to 45 minutes at a time.  New research is showing though, that you can get results 10 minutes a day, if you follow a structured plan.  If you need help to determine your goals and create a plan then fill yourself with courage and consult a professional so that you get a great program that suits you.

5) Nutritional Supplements

Remember that Australian soils are very old, and the CSIRO has stated that they do not contain the nutritonal elements needed to make our food complete.  Do your research and find out what nutritional supplements may assist you in your weight loss efforts.

6) Set SMART Weekly Weight Loss Goals

Ever found that you lost motivation?  Of course you have.  Everyone does.  “I’ll start on Monday!” Did you know that diets are always started on Monday, because gosh, there’s a great party to go to on Saturday night and roast dinner with the family on Sunday, and…  Sound familiar?

That’s the reason that weekly goals are included, to help you stay on track.  they should also be SMART:

S – specific to you.  This week I lost 500 grams because I completed my training program every day, because I ate 5 small healthy meals every day, because I drank 2 to 3 litres of water every day and I congratulated myself constantly and consistenly for my wonderful efforts. I feel great, and my clothes are looser, and I love hearing the praise I get from my trainer and my friends and family.

M – measurable.  500 grams is measurable isn’t it?

A – achievable.  Set yourself up for success with achievable goals.

R – realistic.  Again, assure success by knowing what you will and will not do.

T – timed.  This goal is timed for one week, and can lead into monthly and three, six and twelve monthly goals.

7) No Snacks Late at Night

Late night snacking is usually on sweet stuff or full of carbohydrates, and all that does is overload the system and increase your weight.  Why?  Because your body cannot use the sugar and carbs and it slows the metabolism down ready for rest in bed.  If you are a late night snacker, then you probably won’t sleep well either, and of course, you won’t be hungry in the morning.  So then the cycle perpetuates itself.

8) Drink 2 to 3 Litres of Water Every Day and No Alcohol to Lose More Weight

Water flushes toxins from the body, and helps to move the lactic acid out so that your muscles can recover.  Additionally, it helps your mental acuity so that you think more clearly, cleanses your kidneys, and improves your energy levels.  You will feel more energetic, and this will encourage you to get out and do more.

Alcohol increases carbohydrates and puts on weight.  You only have to look at the hefty beer gut of lots of Aussie men, to see the evidence of that.  Don’t take pride in that rounding tummy, it’s not a baby!

9) Visualise becoming Slimmer, Toned, Healthier

When you are working out, imagine your muscles responding.  Imagine them growing stronger, more supple, leaner, and flexible.  Imagine your waist line shrinking and your clothes being looser.  Imagine how good it feels to have people admire your trim shape, and tell you that you are looking great.  Imagine craving the right foods – fruit, veggies, water and see what they do for you as you eat and drink them.  Do this often, so that it becomes a new pattern for you that makes life easy.

10) Reward Yourself as You Achieve Your Slimming Goals

Give yourself a reward for achieving those weekly goals, such as going to an art gallery, or strolling by the river, or meeting up with a friend.  maybe go to the movies, or buy a piece of gym equipment, or new clothes, or jewellery. 

The best reward is to get used to praising yourself, so that your praise lights you up on the inside with a shiver of delight.

Never use food as a reward for you or for children, because this takes you back to old outdated habits, and for children it encourages bad habits to be formed.  It doesn’t matter if they miss dessert, they will be better off without it anyway.

Apply these ten ideas consistently, with a happy attitude of “It’s easy to do this for me” and go for it.  You will find that you get results gradually over time, and that you will learn valuable lessons about the need for positive self-talk, commitment and stickability.  And, you’re worth it!

If those old outdated mental patterns need some help to shift, then consider the benefits of NLP, hypnosis and timeline techniques for reprogramming your mind’s beliefs.